PPO Manager
PPO Manager by Taures is a powerful analytical calculation modular tool designed to help
power producers
heat producers
power traders
distribution system operators
big consumers
Operation preparation and trading optimization
determination of cost-optimal operation of heat plants, power plants, CHP plants and industry-based power plants,
economical and technical comparison of alternative plant operations,
evaluation of efficiency of plant operation,
determination of optimal market strategy for selling electricity,
determination of optimal market strategy for buying electricity,
determination of optimal strategy for selling ancillary services to the TSO,
determination of optimal fuel mix,
determination of required amount of fuel,
determination of required amount of CO2 allowances,
evaluation of criteria that are necessary to receive subsidies for combined heat and power production,
long-term, medium-term and short-term operation planning,
maintenance intervals planning,
investment studies, i. e. evaluation of technical and economical impacts of installing or refitting various technological components.